Results for 'Daniela Natalia Polo Rivas'

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  1. Cuerpo, sexo y cultura : disidencias de género a través del cine.Piedad Lucía Bolívar Goez, Daniel Ignacio Garzón Luna, María Camila Balcer Ángel, Sara Carolina Martínez Román, Daniela Natalia Polo Rivas & Sandra Liliana Rocha Gutiérrez - 2019 - In Pinto Bustamante, Boris Julián, Gómez Córdoba & Ana Isabel, Conflictos, dilemas y paradojas: cine y bioética en el inicio de la vida. Bogotá, D.C.: Editorial Universidad del Rosario.
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    Promoting Emotional Well-Being in Older Breast Cancer Patients: Results From an eHealth Intervention.Daniela Villani, Chiara Cognetta, Claudia Repetto, Silvia Serino, Davide Toniolo, Francesco Scanzi & Giuseppe Riva - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Visual exploration patterns of human figures in action: an eye tracker study with art paintings.Daniela Villani, Francesca Morganti, Pietro Cipresso, Simona Ruggi, Giuseppe Riva & Gabriella Gilli - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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    Violencia, derecho y rabia: una posible filiación entre Walter Benjamin y Hannah Arendt.Daniela Losiggio & Natalia Taccetta - 2023 - Hybris, Revista de Filosofí­A 14 (3):197-222.
    Tras una amistad atravesada por la guerra y el exilio y a pesar de que sus obras se tocan escorzadamente, este artículo parte de la posibilidad de leer un diálogo entre Walter Benjamin y Hannah Arendt en torno a la relación entre poder y violencia. Aunque el primero se había dedicado al tema en los años veinte y treinta y la segunda recién concretamente en el año 1970, el carácter tormentoso del siglo XX no haría más que confirmar sus pronósticos (...)
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    Does time heal all wounds? How is children’s exposure to intimate partner violence related to their current internalizing symptoms?Román Ronzón-Tirado, Natalia Redondo, María D. Zamarrón & Marina J. Muñoz Rivas - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    The effects of time and the longitudinal course of the children’s internalizing symptoms following Intimate Partner Violence Exposure are still of great interest today. This study aimed to analyze the effect of the frequency of IPVE, adverse experiences after the cessation of the IPVE and the time elapsed since the termination of the violent relation on the prevalence of anxiety and depression among children. Participants were 107 children and their mothers who had been victims of IPV and had existing judicial (...)
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    Psychometric Properties of a Measure of Borderline Personality Organization in a Spanish Court-Referred Partner-Violent Male Sample.Natalia Redondo Rodríguez, José Luis Graña Gómez, María Luisa Cuenca Montesino & Marina Julia Muñoz-Rivas - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Cultural Adaptation of the Modified Version of the Conflicts Tactics Scale (M-CTS) in Mexican Adolescents.Rosa Carolina Ronzón-Tirado, Marina Julia Muñoz-Rivas, María Dolores Zamarrón Cassinello & Natalia Redondo Rodríguez - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Francesco Soave e il trattato pedagogico della Methodus studiorum: l'influenza della famiglia Riva di Lugano nei collegi somaschi della Lombardia austriaca in una prospettiva europea.Daniela Corzuol - 2013 - Bellinzona: Edizioni Casagrande.
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    How embodied is action language? Neurological evidence from motor diseases.Juan F. Cardona, Lucila Kargieman, Vladimiro Sinay, Oscar Gershanik, Carlos Gelormini, Lucia Amoruso, María Roca, David Pineda, Natalia Trujillo, Maëva Michon, Adolfo M. García, Daniela Szenkman, Tristán Bekinschtein, Facundo Manes & Agustín Ibáñez - 2014 - Cognition 131 (2):311-322.
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    Una lectura de la neurobiología actual desde la antropología trascendental de Leonardo Polo.Natalia López Moratalla - 2009 - Studia Poliana 11:21-46.
    The Polian notion of “formal potency” makes possible to theorize about the data of neuroscience. Brain constitutes a functional unity with epigenetic dynamics that harmonizes multiple and diverse functions, devoted to knowledge, tendencies, motor function, etc., because a unitarian connected function exists. The unity is not fixed: this function harmonizes the variatios, interrutions and beginnings. The regulation of the functional dynamics that produces indetermination and freedom of the human psychic functions over the neurologic automatism produces the intrinsic inhibituion of the (...)
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    ROMAN DEFIXIONES- (C.) Sánchez Natalías Sylloge of Defixiones from the Roman West. A Comprehensive Collection of Curse Tablets from the Fourth Century bce to the Fifth Century ce. In two volumes. (BAR International Series 3077.) Pp. xvi + viii + 575, ills, colour maps. Oxford: BAR Publishing, 2022. Paper, £126. ISBN: 978-1-4073-5931-1 (vol. 1), 978-1-4073-5932-8 (vol. 2), 978-1-4073-1532-4 (set). [REVIEW]Daniela Urbanová - 2023 - The Classical Review 73 (2):497-499.
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    Immanuel Kant, “La cuestión de las razas”.Carmen Polo - 2022 - Con-Textos Kantianos 15:368-371.
    _Reseña de: Immanuel Kant. “La cuestión de las razas”, seguido de Georg Forster, “Algo que añadir sobre las razas humanas”. Editado por Natalia A. Lerussi y Manuel Sánchez-Rodríguez. __Abada Editores, Madrid, 2021, ISBN: 978-84-17301-76-7._.
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    Dicionario enciclopedia do pensamiento galego.Andrés Torres Queiruga & Manuel Rivas García (eds.) - 2008 - Santiago de Compostela: Consello da Cultura Galega.
    Este Dicionario Enciclopedia do Pensamento Galego, coordinado por Andrés Torres Queiruga e Manuel Rivas García e redactado por corenta e seis persoas, trata de conxuntar un dicionario de pensadores galegos e unha visión temática que permita encadrar o labor máis directamente filosófico no campo xeral da nosa cultura. De aí a súa división en dúas partes: a primeira, un dicionario de autores, e a segunda, unha enciclopedia que complementa temas, ideas e persoeiros que propiamente non caben na primeira. Deste (...)
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  14. Ontología, integraciôn Del ser Y movimientos de la realidad.Luis Eduardo Primero Rivas - 2009 - Estudios Filosóficos 58 (169):539-551.
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    The Power of Good: A Leader's Personal Power as a Mediator of the Ethical Leadership-Follower Outcomes Link.Daniela K. Haller, Peter Fischer & Dieter Frey - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9:355964.
    The study's goal was to examine the socially responsible power use in the context of ethical leadership as an explanatory mechanism of the ethical leadership-follower outcomes link. Drawing on the attachment theory (Bowlby, 1969/1982 ), we explored a power-based process model, which assumes that a leader's personal power is an intervening variable in the relationship between ethical leadership and follower outcomes, while incorporating the moderating role of followers' moral identity in this transformation process. The results of a two-wave field study (...)
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  16. A Critical Examination of Treatment Recommendations for Diarrhoea.Etaoghene Paul Polo & Shamima Parvin Lasker - 2024 - Bangladesh Journal of Bioethics 15 (3):34-39.
    Primarily, this article emphasises that while conducting research, especially one involving human subjects, researchers are expected to comply with applicable global and national ethical standards. Should a researcher fail to do so, he/she stands the risk of breaching research ethics, and this is capable of rendering his/her research unacceptable. Accordingly, this article, making reference to relevant ethical theories, critically examines and analyses the actions of a researcher who set out to investigate treatment recommendations for diarrhoea. Ultimately, a number of ethical (...)
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  17. Dilemmata der Maschinen. Künstliche Intelligenz, Ethik und Recht.Daniela Tafani - 2019 - Jahrbuch der Juristischen Zeitgeschichte 1 (20):302-322.
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    Symbolic number ordering strategies and math anxiety.Natalia Dubinkina, Francesco Sella, Stefanie Vanbecelaere & Bert Reynvoet - 2023 - Cognition and Emotion 37 (3):439-452.
    Math anxiety results in a drop in performance on various math-related tasks, including the symbolic number ordering task in which participants decide whether a triplet of digits is presented in order (e.g. 3-5-7) or not (e.g. 3-7-5). We investigated whether the strategy repertoire and reaction times during a symbolic ordering task were affected by math anxiety. In study 1, participants performed an untimed symbolic number ordering task and indicated the strategy they used on a trial-by-trial basis. The use of the (...)
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    Reply to Critics.Natalia I. Kuznetsova - 2024 - Epistemology and Philosophy of Science 61 (1):72-74.
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    Tackling Racial Bias in AI Systems: Applying the Bioethical Principle of Justice and Insights from Joy Buolamwini’s “Coded Bias” and the “Algorithmic Justice League”.Etaoghene Paul Polo & Donatus Osatofoh Ailodion - 2025 - Bangladesh Journal of Bioethics 16 (1):8-14.
    This paper explores the issue of racial bias in artificial intelligence (AI) through the lens of the bioethical principle of justice, with a focus on Joy Buolamwini’s “Coded Bias” and the work of the “Algorithmic Justice League.” AI technologies, particularly facial recognition systems, have been shown to disproportionately misidentify individuals from marginalised racial groups, raising profound ethical concerns about fairness and equity. The bioethical principle of justice stresses the importance of equal treatment and the protection of vulnerable populations. Through qualitative (...)
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    The Oxymoron of the Vienna Circle.Natalia I. Kuznetsova - 2024 - Epistemology and Philosophy of Science 61 (1):24-34.
    It is argued that the legacy of the Vienna Circle played a very important role in the intellectual quest of modern philosophy. No matter how the concept of logical positivism is buried by “continental philosophy”, or ideologically motivated philosophers, or even the latest initiatives of the contemporary philosophy of science, the scientific worldview remains invariant. The traditions of the work of logical positivists remain relevant both for the development of modern philosophy of science and as guidelines indicating the way to (...)
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    Divinización del mercado, teodicea liberal. Una respuesta no eurocéntrica.Jorge Polo Blanco - 2018 - Ideas Y Valores 67 (166):49-74.
    Se examinan los supuestos del liberalismo económico (en sus versiones más puras y extremas), a través de los cuales este divinizó el mercado y lo convirtió en una instanciatotalizadora exenta de toda crítica. El neoliberalismo ha hecho del mercado un locus donde el ser y el deber ser se reconcilian en perfecta unidad. De esta manera, el mercado deviene en el único y verdadero sujeto del razonar: solo él piensa y todos sus movimientos son contenidos de lo racional. Al comparar (...)
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  23. Claves de la eficacia publicitaria en prensa digital. La integración y la información.Natalia Albuin Vences - 2010 - Telos: Revista de Pensamiento Sobre Tecnología y Sociedad 83:120-126.
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    La modernidad del racismo contrastada con el pensamiento español del siglo XVI.Jorge Polo Blanco - 2023 - Tópicos: Revista de Filosofía 66:421-459.
    En el presente trabajo se prueba una hipótesis sencilla pero fascinante, a saber, que el racismo es una realidad estrictamente moderna. No encontraremos teorías específicamente racistas antes del siglo XVIII. Pero pretendemos, además, establecer un sugestivo contraste con el pensamiento español del siglo XVI. El objetivo es corroborar un asunto que tal vez causará asombro a más de uno: la verificable circunstancia de que el racismo está ausente en las doctrinas de aquellos juristas, moralistas, teólogos y humanistas (además de primeros (...)
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    Roman Ingarden and His Times.Dominika Czakon, Natalia Anna Michna & Leszek Sosnowski (eds.) - 2019
    The papers collected in this volume vividly reflect the strikingly wide range of interests characterizing current research in phenomenology inspired by Roman Ingarden. One of Husserls closest and most devoted students, and at the same time one of his earliest and sharpest critics, Ingarden himself explored numerous fields of philosophy in considerable depth. While he remains best known for his groundbreaking work in aesthetics, ontology, and metaphysics, he also dealt extensively in ethics, epistemology, philosophical anthropology, and cognitive science, and his (...)
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  26. The biology of suffering.Natalia Murinova Daniel Krashin, Q. Howe Catherine & Jane Ballantyne - 2014 - In Ronald Michael Green & Nathan J. Palpant, Suffering and Bioethics. New York, US: Oup Usa.
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    Considerações acerca de uma dignidade não limitada ao ser humano: serão também dignos os animais?Anamaria Gonçalves Feijó, Natália De Campos Grey & Cleópas Isaías Santos - 2011 - Filosofia Unisinos 12 (2).
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    Scientific Epistemology versus Indigenous Epistemology: Meanings of ‘Place’ and ‘Knowledge’ in the Epistemic Cultures.Natalia Grincheva - 2013 - Logos and Episteme 4 (2):145-159.
    The article is based on a synthetic comparative analysis of two different epistemic traditions and explores indigenous and scientific epistemic cultures throughclose reading and exploration of two books. The first book, Epistemic Cultures: How the Sciences Make Knowledge, written by Austrian sociologist Karin Knorr-Cetina (1999), serves as an excellent foundational material to represent scientific epistemic tradition. The second book by cultural and linguistic anthropologist Keith Basso (1996), Wisdom Sits in Places: Landscape and Language among the Western Apache, opens a wide (...)
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    Politics of memory, urban space and the discourse of counterhegemonic commemoration: a discourse-ethnographic analysis of the ‘Living Memorial’ in Budapest’s ‘Liberty Square’.Natalia Krzyżanowska - 2023 - Critical Discourse Studies 20 (5):540-560.
    This study analyses of the Living Memorial: a counter-monumental installation located since 2014 in the highly contested Szabadság (‘Liberty’) Square in central Budapest, Hungary. The focus on the LM allows showcasing it as a unique type of commemorative installation that not only contests the current Hungarian top-down, hegemonic narrations and practices of memory but also counteracts the country’s politicised and ideologised narrations of the past. The LM is explored as a dialogical ‘nexus’ of, on the one hand, individual, lived experiences (...)
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    Is technology good for education? By Neil Selwyn.Natalia Kucirkova - 2017 - British Journal of Educational Studies 65 (3):406-408.
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    The Distance Between the “Self” and the “Other” in Children’s Digital Books.Natalia Kucirkova & Karen Littleton - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Human-Centered Education in the Pedagogical Haritage of A. A. Kolesov.Natalia Kuzminska - forthcoming - Visnyk of the Lviv University Series Philosophical Sciences.
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    Reflection as a construct of the Soviet philosophical "Thaw": semantics and pragmatics.Natalia I. Kuznetsova - 2023 - Studies in Transcendental Philosophy 4 (1).
    The article discusses the methodology for studying reflective systems, which are very specific objects of study. However, such objects include almost all phenomena of the socio-humanitarian sciences, including scientific knowledge. It is noted that in the era of the “sixties” original concepts of reflexive analysis arose in Russian philosophy, among which the three most striking ones, associated with the names of V.A. Lefebvre (1936-2020), G.P. Shchedrovitsky (1929-1994), M.A. Rozova (1930-2011). The main attention is paid to the methodology that was built (...)
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    “Wonderland” of theoretical epistemology.Natalia Kuznetsova - 2017 - Epistemology and Philosophy of Science 51 (1):221-229.
    Author argues that the social relay theory by Mikhail Rozov is the result of the deep analysis of the number of empirical facts and of the facts from the history of science. “Relay” is the core notion of this theory that was used by Quine for the clarification of the connection between the word and denotatum in the “Word and Object”. The author enumerates the other philosophers who have explained this connection the same way. It’s claimed that the theory of (...)
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  35. Caracterização de corpos cerâmicos de uma mistura de argila, tijolos refratários e lama vermelha. Parte I: Um estudo preliminar.José Manuel Rivas Mercury, Elson César Moraes & Cm Monteiro - 2001 - Principia 5 (9).
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  36. A methodological approach for pattern recognition system using discriminant analysis and artificial neural networks.Anna Pérez-Méndez, Elizabeth Torres-Rivas, Francklin Rivas-Echeverría & Ronald Maldonado-Rodríguez - 2005 - Cognitive Science 13 (14):15.
    In this work it is presented a methodology for the development of a pattern recognition system using classification methods as discriminant analysis and artificial neural networks. In this methodology, the statistical analysis is contemplated, with the purpose of retaining the observations and the important characteristics that can produce an appropriate classification, and allows, as well, to detect outliers’ observations, multicolinearity between variables, among other things. Chlorophyll a fluorescence OJIP signals measured from Pisum sativum leaves belonging to different drought stress resistance (...)
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  37. Recursos de la divulgación científica en la literatura para niños: Construcción verbal y visual del disparate.Patricia Vallejos & Daniela Palmucci - 2011 - Anclajes 15 (2):79 - 102.
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    Immanence, transindividuality and the free multitude.Daniela Voss - 2018 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 44 (8):865-887.
    Since the late 1960s there has been a resurgence of interest in Spinozism in France: Gilles Deleuze was among the first who gave life to a ‘new Spinoza’ with his seminal book Expressionism in Philosophy: Spinoza. While Deleuze was primarily interested in Spinoza’s ontology and ethics, the contemporary French philosopher Étienne Balibar focuses on the political writings. Despite their common fascination for Spinoza’s relational definition of the individual, both thinkers have drawn very different consequences from the Spinozist inspiration regarding the (...)
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    Sallust’s Epistulae ad Caesarem.Francisco Pina Polo - 2021 - Hermes 149 (2):177.
    For decades, a remarkable number of publications have been devoted to the so-called Epistulae ad Caesarem. Most have focused on the question of whether they are authentic or forgeries, and only a few have analysed them as a source for valuable historical evidence. This paper intends to demonstrate that the letters could certainly have been written in the middle of the first century BCE and that Sallust could indeed be the author. The letters, particularly Ep. 2, show that there were (...)
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    Anti-Nietzsche: la crueldad de lo político.Jorge Polo Blanco - 2020 - [Madrid]: Taugenit Editorial.
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    Diffusion of Corporate Responsibility Practices to Companies: The Experience of the Forest Sector.Natalia G. Vidal, Gary Q. Bull & Robert A. Kozak - 2010 - Journal of Business Ethics 94 (4):553-567.
    This qualitative study indentifies how corporate responsibility (CR) practices are diffused to companies, as well as the factors that influence this diffusion process. Forest companies, industry associations, non-governmental organizations, and academics in Brazil, Canada, and the United States participated in this interview-based study. Data emerging from a grounded theory approach revealed three factors influencing the diffusion of CR practices to companies: (1) external contextual characteristics, (2) connectors, and (3) experts and expert organizations. These three factors influence each other, meaning that (...)
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  42. On Floating Conclusions.Daniela Schuster, Jan Broersen & Henry Prakken - 2023 - Deontic Logic and Normative Systems, 16Th International Conference, Deon 2023.
    When there are two lines of argument that contradict each other but still end up with the same conclusion, this conclusion is called a floating conclusion. It is an open topic in skeptical defeasible reasoning if floating conclusions ought to be accepted. Inter- estingly, the answer seems to be changing for different examples. In this paper, we propose a solution for explaining the different treatments of the floating conclusion in the various examples from the literature. We collect the examples from (...)
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    Looking for the Meaning of Dignity in the Bioethics Convention and the Cloning Protocol.Daniela-Ecaterina Cutas - 2005 - Health Care Analysis 13 (4):303-313.
    This paper is focused on the analysis of two documents (the Council of Europe's Bioethics Convention and the Additional Cloning Protocol) inasmuch as they refer to the relationship between human dignity and human genetic engineering. After presenting the stipulations of the abovementioned documents, I will review various proposed meanings of human dignity and will try to identify which of these seem to be at the core of their underlying assumptions. Is the concept of dignity proposed in the two documents coherent? (...)
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    El derecho humano a un medio ambiente limpio, saludable y sostenible en el derecho internacional.Daniela Alejandra Bañuelos Hinojos - 2024 - UNIVERSITAS Revista de Filosofía Derecho y Política 45:81-111.
    Este artículo recorre brevemente el camino jurídico-institucional que condujo su reconocimiento del medio ambiente limpio, saludable y sostenible por Naciones Unidas. Primero aborda los aspectos generales sobre la protección del medio ambiente en el derecho internacional como la antesala de la subjetivación del derecho ambiental y del reverdecimiento de los derechos humanos. Luego, se centra en la protección indirecta del medio ambiente en el Sistema Europeo e Interamericano de Protección de los Derechos Humanos. En el contexto europeo, además, se alude (...)
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    Fear generalisation in individuals with high neuroticism: increasing predictability is not necessarily better.Natalia M. Garcia & Lori A. Zoellner - 2017 - Cognition and Emotion 31 (8):1647-1662.
    Fear generalisation, a process by which conditioned fear spreads to similar but innocuous stimuli, is key in understanding why some individuals feel unsafe in objectively non-threatening situations. Both trait neuroticism and lack of predictability about the likelihood of feared consequences are associated with negative affect in the face of ambiguity and may increase the degree to which fear generalises. Undergraduates with varying degrees of neuroticism were randomised to either high- or low-instructional predictability conditions prior to fear acquisition. A fear generalisation (...)
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    Group Emotions in Collective Reasoning: A Model.Claire Polo, Christian Plantin, Kristine Lund & Gerald Niccolai - 2017 - Argumentation 31 (2):301-329.
    Education and cognition research today generally recognize the tri-dimensional nature of reasoning processes as involving cognitive, social and emotional phenomena. However, there is so far no theoretical framework articulating these three dimensions from a descriptive perspective. This paper aims at presenting a first model of how group emotions work in collective reasoning, and specifies their social and cognitive functions. This model is inspired both from a multidisciplinary literature review and our extensive previous empirical work on an international corpus of videotaped (...)
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    The Problem of Schelling as a Transition Thinker.Virgilio A. Rivas - 2017 - Kritike 11 (2):278-297.
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    Practices of self-knowledge in Buddhism and modern philosophical education.Natalia Dyadyk - 2020 - Sotsium I Vlast 4:71-81.
    Introduction. The article is focused on studying the self-knowledge techniques used in Buddhism and their application in teaching philosophy. The relevance of the study is due to the search for new approaches to studying philosophy, including approaches related to philosophical practice, as well as the interest of modern scientists in the problem of consciousness. The problem of consciousness is interdisciplinary and its study is of practical importance for philosophers, psychologists, linguists, specialists in artificial intelligence. Buddhism as a philosophical doctrine provides (...)
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    Jana Benická: Staroveká čínska filozofia a myslenie.Daniela C. Zhang - 2024 - Filozofia 79 (5):553-556.
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    HYPER-REF: A General Model of Reference for First-Order Logic and First-Order Arithmetic.Pablo Rivas-Robledo - 2022 - Kriterion – Journal of Philosophy 36 (2):179-205.
    In this article I present HYPER-REF, a model to determine the referent of any given expression in First-Order Logic. I also explain how this model can be used to determine the referent of a first-order theory such as First-Order Arithmetic. By reference or referent I mean the non-empty set of objects that the syntactical terms of a well-formed formula pick out given a particular interpretation of the language. To do so, I will first draw on previous work to make explicit (...)
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